2023 年第三季度,科尼集团赢得了一份来自达飞高雄货柜码头股份有限公司的起重机订单,为其位于台湾主要港口的集装箱装卸码头提供 7 台混合动力科尼诺尔轮胎式集装箱门式起重机 (RTG)。这些设备将在2024 年第三季度将开始进行调试,并计划于几个月后的第四季度进行交付。
In Q3 2023, Konecranes won an order from CMA CGM Kaohsiung Terminal Co. Limited to supply 7 hybrid Konecranes Noell Rubber-Tired Gantry (RTG) cranes to their container handling terminal at the main port in Taiwan. Commissioning will take place in Q3 2024, with handover scheduled a few months later, in Q4.
These 7 new Konecranes Noell hybrid RTGs utilize a battery for normal operations, add diesel when more power is required and collect braking energy to top up the battery charge. This combination of diesel and electric power significantly reduces fuel consumption and carbon emissions for cleaner and more economical operation. In addition, each machine is fitted with an ergonomic cabin and a range of smart features that raise efficiency and reduce operator fatigue.
这些RTG具备基于GPS的自动纠偏智能功能(Auto-Steering),可帮助操作员将RTG保持在直线行驶的路径上。自动定位功能(Auto-Positioning)可将吊具自动放置在正确的集装箱箱位上。堆垛分析系统(Stack Profiling)可配合其自动纠偏功能以确保起重机与堆位正确对齐(降低碰撞风险),而且还能够限制取放作业的起升速度。最后,起重机可使用自动码头作业系统报告功能(Auto-TOS)来记录其自身的移动,标记每个集装箱的位置,并直接与TOS进行接口通信。
The RTGs use GPS for the Auto-Steering smart feature, which helps the operator keep the RTG on a straight drive path. Auto-Positioning places the spreader over the right container slot. Stack Profiling working with Auto-Steering to make sure the crane is properly aligned with the bay, and limiting hoisting speed for pick-and-place operations. Finally, the cranes use Auto-TOS (Terminal Operating System) reporting to count their own moves, map the position of every container and interface directly with the TOS.
The CMA CGM Group
法国达飞海运集团 (CMA CGM) 总部位于法国马赛,是提供海、陆、空和物流解决方案的全球性供应商。收到该集团应对未来发展投资新设备的计划,其位于高雄港的集装箱码头选择订购了科尼集团创新研发且走在市场前列的混合动力 RTG,以帮助其简化操作并减少碳排放。
The CMA CGM Group is a global player in sea, land, air and logistics solutions, headquartered in Marseille, France. As the Group invests in new equipment for the future, their container terminal at the Port of Kaohsiung has chosen Konecranes’ innovative and market-leading hybrid RTG to help streamline their operations and reduce carbon emissions.
This order is part of Ecolifting™, Konecranes’ continuous work to decrease the carbon footprints of our customers. From eco-optimizing diesel drives, to hybridization and fully-electrified fleets, we will continue to do more with less.
“We have a proven track record providing similar equipment to other CMA CGM container terminals. This order confirms the trust they have in our technology and expertise as they extend their container handling capabilities. With their operations extending around the world, our cooperation with them continues to introduce our products into new countries,” says Jerry Fann, Regional Sales Director, Port Solutions, Konecranes.
A strong focus on customers and a commitment to business growth and continuous improvement make Konecranes a lifting industry leader. This is underpinned by investments in digitalization and technology, plus our work to make material flows more efficient with solutions that decarbonize the economy and advance circularity and safety.
KCL Lifttrucks是科尼,Terberg,sfPorteq吊具,Merford Cabins和OPS Factor服务台的官方分销合作伙伴。我们荣幸地为广大客户提供服务,包括港口,码头,起重车所有者,制造和加工行业。无论您需要新设备还是更换零件,KCL都会为您提供优质的产品和服务,以提高您的业务效率和价值。
KCL Lifttrucks作为科尼在中国的分销合作伙伴成立。从那时起,我们成为Terberg,sfPorteq吊具,Merford驾驶室和OPS Factor桌子的分销商,从战略上扩展了我们的产品范围。此外,我们还提供来自Bromma,Fantuzzi,Kalmar,Terex,Linde和Hyster的产品,包括OEM零件和替代品。
我们的创始人和管理团队拥有超过120年的综合业务经验,因此我们致力于提高各行各业的效率和绩效。我们将继续通过我们的KCL Falcon商店扩大覆盖范围,提供24/7在线访问,以采购所需的零件和设备。使用KCL购物时,您可以放心购物。
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