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2020-04-17 09:50 性质:转载 作者:科尼港口解决方案 来源:科尼港口解决方案
News Release科尼在澳大利亚扩大了其生态驱动叉车的足迹。此次,科尼赢得了Intermodal Group的订单,包含了五台静压传动正面吊和一台双层堆垛空箱堆高机。Kone...

News Release

科尼在澳大利亚扩大了其生态驱动叉车的足迹。此次,科尼赢得了Intermodal Group的订单,包含了五台静压传动正面吊和一台双层堆垛空箱堆高机。

Konecranes has expanded its Lift Trucks with Ecolifting reach in Australia, winning an order from Intermodal Group for five additional reach stackers equipped with Flow Drive and one empty container handler for double stacking.

Intermodal Link Services(ILS)是Intermodal Group旗下的两家公司之一,在2019年初收到首台科尼正面吊后,再次订购五台静压传动正面吊和一台双层堆垛空箱堆高机。这些设备将在科尼上海的叉车工厂生产并发货。订单于2019年11月签订,交付和调试计划在2020年进行。

After receiving their first delivery of a Konecranes reach stacker at the beginning of 2019, Intermodal Link Services (ILS), one of the two companies that comprise Intermodal Group, confirmed a new order for five additional Konecranes reach stackers with Flow Drive plus one empty container handler with a double stacking spreader. The lift trucks will be manufactured and dispatched from the Konecranes Lift Trucks factory in Lingang, China.  Delivery and commissioning are scheduled around the start of 2020. The order was booked in November 2019.

Intermodal Group位于珀斯附近的弗里曼特尔港口附近,在西澳大利亚州的进出口集装箱物流供应链中发挥着至关重要的作用。作为铁路运输和集装箱堆存的行业领导者,该集团有能力搬运大批量集装箱以缓解当地道路的拥堵状况,有助于港口运营更加顺畅和高效。

Located very close to Fremantle Port, near Perth, Intermodal Group plays a crucial role in the import/export container logistics supply chain in the state of Western Australia. An industry leader in rail transport and container storage, the Group has the capacity to move large numbers of containers to ease congestion on local roads and helps to make port operations smoother and more efficient.


In particular, ILS offers end-to-end services at two terminals, strategically located in Fremantle and Forrestfield. Complementary to road transportation, they move containers very efficiently by rail between the wharf and terminals.

关注环保是选择科尼的主要原因,ILS于2018年9月购买了他们的第一台科尼正面吊后,决定订购另外五台配置静压传动的科尼SMV 4531 TC5型正面吊。与传统柴油发动机驱动相比,静压传动驱动方式可减少设备燃油消耗和碳排放量最高至25%。ILS使用科尼生态驱动正面吊来服务多式联运业务,可以对环境保护产生积极影响。

Concern for the environment was the main reason, after they purchased their first Konecranes reach stacker in September 2018, that ILS decided to place an order for five more Konecranes SMV 4531 TC5 reach stackers with Flow Drive. The Flow Drive Ecolifting feature cuts fuel consumption and carbon emissions by up to 25%. Using their new Konecranes reach stacker fleet for intermodal handling, ILS can positively affect environmental conditions.

此外,为了改善堆场上集装箱空箱搬运作业,ILS还订购了科尼型号为SMV 5/6 ECC 100 DS的空箱堆高机。 该设备能够同时搬运两个重达10吨的集装箱,堆垛至5-6个集装箱高度,从而缩短了单个工作周期。

Moreover, in order to improve their empty container handling activities at the port, ILS has ordered a Konecranes empty container handler model SMV 5/6 ECC 100 DS. This truck is able to reach the 5th and 6th containers in a stack at the same time, handling two containers weighing up to 10 tons, reducing work cycle times.

科尼强大的经销商网络为实现这一切发挥了领导作用。大约两年前,当ILS开始寻找改善其集装箱搬运业务的方法时,科尼经销商United Equipment便出现在视野中。United Equipment为ILS提供了及时的服务,并在ILS阐述了具体需求时建议增加集装箱搬运设备的数量。

Konecranes’ strong distributor network has played a leading role in making it all happen. The Konecranes distributor United Equipment was already in the picture almost two years ago, as ILS started to look for ways to improve their container handling operations. United was at hand with prompt service, and recommended additional truck units when ILS explained their specific requirements.

“出色的团队合作成就了满意的客户,科尼生态驱动叉车享誉全球。”科尼叉车事业部销售总监兼销售支持经理DanielSjöstrand说。 “非常感谢ILS对我们公司和产品的信任,也感谢United再次提供的必要支持和合作,帮助我们满足了客户的需求。”

“Excellent teamwork has given us another satisfied customer, as the reputation of Konecranes Lift Trucks with Ecolifting builds around the world,” says Daniel Sjöstrand, Sales Director and Sales Support Manager at Konecranes Lift Trucks. “A big thank you to ILS for confirming your confidence in our products and company, and thanks also to United for your essential support and cooperation in once again helping us to deliver what ILS needs.”

“我们一直以服务至上的态度而感到自豪,这也正是我们与众不同之处。” United Equipment的全国销售和产品经理John Morison说。“有了科尼叉车,我们可以确保为客户提供更优的解决方案。”

“We’re always proud to hear that our service-minded attitude makes all the difference,” says John Morison, National Sales and Product Manager at United Equipment. “With Konecranes Lift Trucks, we can be sure that we’re providing our customers with the best solutions possible.”




